5th Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Systems
Manufacturing of Optical Systems will highlight significant technology trends, emerging technologies and associated prospective developments in the field of optics fabrication and testing. This conference provides a forum for all aspects of optics fabrication and testing, ranging from micro to large-scale optics and from high value one-off to mass-produced components including lessons learned papers on special manufacturing issues such as polishing process stability and finishing processes for high-end optics, optics featuring clear apertures below 1 mm or above 100 mm in diameter. One main goal of the meeting is to provide a better link between the design, the manufacturing, and the characterization of optical components and systems. For the first time, there will be a reviewed industrial poster session displayed during the whole conference with companies presenting their key technology competences.
General Chair: Oliver Fähnle, FISBA AG (CH)
Co-Chair: Sven Schröder, Fraunhofer IOF (DE)
Program committee
- Marcus Trost, Fraunhofer (DE)
- Zhang Xuejun, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CN)
- Roland Geyl, SAFRAN A.S. Group (FR)
- Rolf Rascher, THD- Technische Hoschschule Deggendorf (DE)
- Frank Frost, Ionenstrahlgestützte Technologien, Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e.V. (DE)
- Richard Freeman, Zeeko Ltd (UK)
- David Walker, University of Huddersfield (UK)
- Olaf Dambon, Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT (DE)
- Stefan Bäumer, TNO (NL)
- Willhelm Ulrich, Carl Zeiss AG (DE)
- Norbert Kerwien, Carl Zeiss AG (DE)
- Jiri Novak, Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)
- Massimiliano Rossi, Media-Lario (IT)
- Sven Kiontke, Asphericon (DE)
Invited Speakers
- Richard Freeman, Zeeko Ltd (UK)
- Martin Lowisch, Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH (DE)
- Olaf Dambon, Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT (DE)
- Roland Geyl, SAFRAN A.S. group (FR)
- Joseph Shay, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. (IL)
- Sven Schröder, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) (DE)
- Torsten Freigl, Optixfab GmbH (DE)
- Monika Kroneberger, OHB (DE)
- Mikhail Sachkov, Institute of Astronomy RAS (RU)
- Xue-Jun Zhang, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics & Physics (CN)
Topics include
- Optics Fabrication, from single piece to High-Volume Fab, from sub-millimeter optics to meter optics and wafer-level optics
- Testing, Specification, and Characterization of Light Scattering,
- Roughness, Shape, Defects, subsurface damage, MTF and mid-spatials
- Finishing methods, e.g. SPDT, MRF, IBF, ductile grinding, FJP, laser polishing, CCP and traditional polishing
- Optimization techniques in optics fabrication
- Fabrication friendly Optical Design and Tolerancing
- Lessons learned producing high level aspheres and freeform optics
For the first time, a reviewed industrial poster session is organized where companies are entitled to present their key technology competences on a poster that will be presented during the whole time of the conference in the conference session room.
Posters presenting competences and know how rather than products will be preferred.
Joint sessions together with Optical Metrology Conference, organized by SPIE Europe.